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小米4如何对外拍照 With the advancement in technology, smartphone cameras have become a vital part of our lives. Be it for capturing memories or clicking professional photos, a good camera is essential. Xiaomi’s Mi 4 is one such smartphone that comes with a great camera. In this article, we will discuss how to use the Xiaomi Mi 4 to take excellent outdoor pictures. Tips to Capture Stunning Outdoor Photos 1. Use the Manual Mode The Mi 4 comes with a manual mode that enables you to adjust the camera settings manually, giving you more control over the photo you take. In outdoor photography, lighting plays a crucial role, and with the manual mode, you can adjust the ISO, shutter speed, and aperture accordingly to achieve the desired result. 2. Keep the Horizon Straight In landscape photography, keeping the horizon straight is essential to get a great shot. The Mi 4 comes with a grid feature that helps you capture a straight line. All you need to do is enable the grid in the camera settings, and you are good to go. 3. Use HDR Mode The HDR mode on the Mi 4 helps you balance the exposure in your shots. It works by combining multiple images taken at different exposures and then merging them to obtain a single image. In outdoor photography, where lighting is often uneven, HDR mode is an excellent feature to have. 4. Experiment with Different Angles To take unique and stunning photos, experiment with different angles. The Mi 4 has a rotating camera that can rotate up to 90 degrees. You can use this feature to take photos from different and exciting angles. Additionally, the Mi 4 also has a wide-angle lens that helps capture more in your frame. Conclusion The Mi 4 is a great smartphone for outdoor photography, and the tips mentioned in this article can help you capture stunning photos. With the manual mode, grid feature, HDR mode, and rotating camera, you can take amazing outdoor photos that you can cherish for years to come.

标签: 小米
